Friday, March 09, 2007

Leaving on a Jetplane

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye....Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane.

Off to Pune for the next 2 weeks.

Happy.........Excited........Scared..........and not realy sure what to expect.

By the time I write my next blog, I am likely to be a 'Daddy' :)

Wow..........I must be getting old....but then........maybe I can stay young longer.......Am I making sense.......I dont think so.......Do I know what I want to write......Nope.

I am in the mood to celebrate........but its not time yet.............

For those on my phone list - expect an SMS

For those in my mailing lists - expect spam - Like it or not ;)

The way I feel right now - I am likely to stand on the rooftop and scream once the baby arrives.

Till Daddy finds time to write again.........................Ciao.